Est. 2014

Our Mission

Beloved is a faith-based organization dedicated to assisting people affected by the sex industry and sex-trafficking through prevention, intervention, and restoration programs. Our mission is to reach, restore, and equip these people by unconditionally loving and meeting them where they are now and providing resources to help them live the abundant life for which each person was created. 

Our Vision

Our vision is to live in a world where people affected by the sex industry are empowered and have the freedom and resources to live out their true purpose; and to equip the church and community to rally around them. 

Our vision is rooted in Romans 9:25-26: “I’ll call the nobodies and make them somebodies; I’ll call the unloved and make them beloved. In the place where they yelled out ‘you’re nobody!,’ there they will be called the children of the living God.” 

This verse drives us to go to places where people are told lies about their value and worth and proclaim the truth of who they are as beloved children of God. We seek to love, know, and cherish them by building genuine friendships with them. We desire to empower our friends to live in their belovedness by connecting them to resources they need and to walk alongside them as they pursue their passions and calling.

Our Belief

We wholeheartedly believe that regardless of who you are and your circumstances, no one wakes up one day and decides to sell their body for sex, and that everyone is worthy of God's love.